Vue 4 Terrain Material Collection
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updated November 1, 2002 slate mountain

Designed for my rocky terrain function.

updated August 19, 2002 marsh land

Designed for my marsh land terrain function.

 I  tweaked the material's mixing proportion so the material would match this scene.

updated July 30, 2002 ash terrain

Designed for my ash terrain function

added July 27, 2002 cropland1 

 Designed for my cropland1 terrain function.

Terrain functions are available in the objects section.

added July 20, 2002 chipped wall terrain

 Designed for my chipped wall terrain function.

Terrain functions are available in the objects section.

added July 1, 2002 drought terrain

scaled at .25 and designed for my drought terrain function

added June 26, 2002 mohave spring

Designed for my mohave spring function

Vue 4 Terrain Materials
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